12th –19st July, 2020
The course-offer caters to instrumental and vocal pedagogues as well as students in the field of music-pedagogical studies and all AMA-participants.
Developed by Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), this method includes a multitude of somatic-lessons, which every participant learns and explores at his own pace; how can I move effortlessly, and feel more comfortable in my own doing?
A well-known motto of Feldenkrais’: “to make the impossible possible, the possible easy, the easy elegant.”
The Feldenkrais®-method has proven to be of great value for musicians in multiple aspects:
-Muscle tensions and pains can be eased
-Training of self-perception
-Quality of movement improve, breathing flows more naturally
-More effortless posture, overcoming gravity is facilitated
-Vocal and instrumental techniques benefit
Daily Workshop - duration 60 minutes
One workshopsession: € 10,-
Private session after proior agreement: € 40,-
Please bring a warm blanket and comfortable clothing.