Application form - Coaching

Coaching - Anmeldung - EN

Anmeldung - EN
The musical education (when, where, with whom ...), performances, achievements, other educations etc. are required as information for the docents and for the concert-program in question.
I request the conveying of an accomodation
After we have received the application fee, your application becomes valid.

Conflicts, which emerge from this contract, as well as conflicts, which concern the breach, cancellation or invalidity of the contract, are governed by Austrian law only. On the place of jurisdiction, the parties agree on the responsible court in Vienna in consensus.

Account data: Freunde der Claviermusik - Account number 033-52277 Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen - BLZ 20.111 IBAN: AT602011100003352277 - BIC: GIBAATWW. Transfer must include the note "free of charge for the receiver".

By sending the application form I agree with the AGB.